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Leader in process transformation to deliver best-in-class products and services that differentiate and become market leaders.



Jeff Norling

Born in Minneapolis, MN

Lives & works in Minneapolis, MN & Los Angeles, CA



1990 - 1991  University of Minnesota

1984 - 1990  United States Army Reserves





Henning Lee, LLC                                June 2020 - Current


Food Fight, LTD                         February 2017 - May 2020

Senior Vice President

Jascor Int'l                                    May 2016 - February 2017

Vice President Sales - USA

Fox Run Brands            November 2010 - December 2015

Director of Product Development & Marketing


Outset                           November 2002 - November 2010

CEO / Founder


Norwest Marketing                  July 2003 - November 2010



Midwest Food Service             July 1992 - November 2006

President / Founder





2013 - Gourmet Retailers Editors' Pick for Best New Product (collapsible chimney starter)


2012 - Gourmet Retailers Editors' Pick for Best New Product (2 step corn prep tool)


2008 - Housewares Design Awards "Best in Category" for Lighting, Home Decor and Outdoor Living (repositional magnetic light for tools)


2008 - Vesta Awards finalist for Barbeque Accessories (cast iron saucepot w/ nesting handle for basting brush)


2008 - HOW Magazine InHOWse Awards "Best of Show" packaging design 


2008 - HOW Magazine InHOWse Awards "Merit" packaging design


2008 - Design Matters: Logos 01 excellence in logo design


2008 - Design Matters: Packaging 01 excellence in packaging design


2008 - 1,000 Package Design excellence in packaging design


2007 - HOW Magazine InHOWse Awards "Winning Entry" packaging design


2007 - AIGA Design Show excellence in packaging desgin


2006 - HOW Magazine International Design Awards excellence in packaging design



Exceptional listener and communicator who effectively conveys information verbally and in writing.


Demonstrated talent for identifying, scrutinizing, improving, and streamlining 
complex work processes through highly analytical thinking and analysis.


Proven relationship builder with unsurpassed interpersonal skills.


Flexible team player who thrives in environments requiring ability to effectively prioritize and juggle multiple concurrent projects.




2011 - Repositionable lighting device for grilling utensils (US 7896520 B1)


2015 - Corn preparation device (US 8990988 B2)

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